Dog trainer: What is his role for your dog

Those who have used a dog trainer talk about their dog’s behavior which has improved and a master and dog relationship which has evolved. How can a dog trainer allow all of this?

Dog trainer: key role in a context that has changed a lot

dog trainer The dog has always been part of human life but traditionally, it meets needs other than emotional or entertainment needs. For centuries, the dog’s role was to help man feed himself because he is a good hunter or to guard his flocks; later also, he will be responsible for guarding his house.

Human society is evolving. It is industrializing and urbanizing: the role of the dog is changing. Of course, it is still useful for hunting and still guards many herds. He becomes a working dog and saves lives too. But above all it is a pet that lives within the family. When he is not in a family, he is the mascot of a couple and the everyday companion of people who live alone.

Thus, many specialists have been able to highlight the problems that arise from the place of dogs in modern life and explain the need for professionals to be trained in dog training.

The problems for which the dog trainer is called upon

The dog is a domestic animal but first and foremost an animal, which is an integral part of the daily life of millions of people in France. However, this daily life imposes many constraints and has many consequences on our behavior with domestic animals.

If there are indeed some dogs that are more difficult than others, in particular because of tormented pasts or a separation from the mother carried out while they were not weaned, very often the trainer canine is consulted for education problems linked to the lack of knowledge of canine behavior.

Far from nature now and our primitive instincts, many of us educate our dogs with principles similar to those of educating our children. Also, there are many people who live alone with their dog (elderly people, single people, divorced people, etc.) and who place so much affection on their companion that they make training him almost impossible, despite themselves.

Sometimes difficult working hours and neighbors who complain about barking, lack of time and fatigue, stress and also the desire to do well without having any basis: all this creates behavioral problems in dogs; problems for which we call on a dog trainer.

The work of the dog trainer

Unlike the master, the dog trainer, even if dogs are his passion, does not have this approach filled with a love that is sometimes poorly communicated to the dog. He also has in-depth knowledge of canine behavior. He knows what the master can do to get what he wants from his dog and that is what he will teach him.

The dog trainer will therefore be an intermediary so that two completely different languages can understand each other. He will not teach the master the basics of canine behavior or dog education: he will put in place an almost infallible education method so that each master can correct bad behavior, bad habits and all kinds of problems that are specific to your animal.

Whether it is a puppy or a young dog or an older dog, it is in principle impossible for a professional dog trainer not to obtain results.

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