How to Get Your Dog to Stop Chewing on Objects

dog chewDogs are animals that love to have fun. It’s no secret: they really like to chew on everything that comes their way and that’s quite normal.

But no owner likes to return home after a long day of work or after being gone for a few hours to find their home in a dilapidated state because their dog has started to chew everything.

If you find yourself in this situation and don’t know how to get out of it, don’t worry.

In the following article, we will explain to you the reasons that push them to adopt such behavior and everything you need to know on the subject so that you can put an end to this situation.

You will thus have all the necessary weapons to train it and save your home from the chewing of your pet!

The right training to stop your dog from chewing

Rest assured, you are not the only one facing this type of situation since every dog owner has to deal with the problems of their dog chewing objects at some point.

The fact that a puppy or a dog chews is something perfectly acceptable and even natural. The real problem arises when they start to pounce on things that are either inappropriate, dangerous or expensive.

Dogs chew anything that can fit into their mouths; socks, shoes, clothes, kitchen utensils, newspapers or even furniture!

What makes dogs chew?

– Often, loneliness and boredom are factors that push him to adopt such behavior.

– The anxiety of being separated from you, his master or mistress, can also work against you. Especially if you work long hours and away from home.

– When they are teething (this can be a very painful time for owners).

– A fear or phobia; Yes, dogs are, like us, afraid of certain things around them.

– They are looking for attention from you.

– Some dogs start chewing in anticipation of the time their owner returns home.

It is important that we stop our dogs from chewing, not only because it is a problem for us and our possessions, but also because it can become very dangerous for them.

If, for example, they start teething on electrical wires, poison and many other objects, they could put themselves in danger. But please note that chewing on the right objects can be beneficial to your dog’s health and well-being.

Chewing – prevention is your best ally!

As with most dog-related problems, it is much easier to prevent chewing problems than to try to stop a habit you already have.

Try these very simple steps to help deal with this problem:

  1. Puppy-proof your home – remove anything that might seem like a temptation to him.
  2. Give your dog toys he can chew on. Make it clear to him that if he absolutely must chew, he will have to do it with his toys. It would be a good idea to give your dog a chew toy that will be filled with things he likes to eat every morning before he leaves for work.
  3. Keep your dog in a secure, contained environment while you are away from home. This could be a safe room in your home, or any place that seems excluded from danger zones.

Obviously, you will have to give your dog some toys to chew on and make sure that there are no objects dangerous to him present in this area.

  1. It is essential that you give your dog as much exercise as possible when you are at home.

Whether physical or mental, these things will help him establish good habits and get rid of the frustrations he may feel while you are away or unable to take care of him. Games, special training, among other things…

How to Stop Your Dog’s Chewing Problems

Always keep in mind that your dog cannot tell the difference between a pair of shoes costing 200 $ and a piece of cloth that has no value. Also, you need to understand that your dog is not doing this to annoy you or challenge you; dogs just don’t think like us human beings.

  1. If your dog has a particular “affection” for an object, such as the leg of one of your pieces of furniture, you can try this technique. Cover the item with something that will taste bad like sour apple sauce, cayenne pepper, or Tabasco sauce.
  2. However, make sure that the product used is non-toxic and will not cause any danger to the health of your animal. This method can be effective, but because it does not teach your dog to stop chewing, but may just cause him to go and chew on another object.
  3. Of course, if you put foods he likes in the area, his need to chew may shift to those and less to the object you are trying to protect.
  4. If you catch your dog chewing, look at him and say “NO!” » firmly and immediately replace the object he is chewing with a toy that he can easily put in his mouth.
  5. Praise him when he starts chewing the toy so that he understands that this is the right attitude to adopt. NEVER scold your dog if you don’t catch him in the act. If you don’t correct him within two seconds of his action, he won’t understand why you are correcting him.
  6. Another good solution to prevent your dog from chewing your objects or adopting other bad habits is to train him to be obedient.
  7. This will firmly establish you as a master; a strict but upright master in your relationship with your dog. It also helps build a deep bond between you and the dog which will be based on trust, communication and respect for each other.
  8. Teach your dog the command “Let it go!” »
  9. In order to control your dog’s bad habits, all you need to do is to constantly follow the techniques mentioned above. Add a touch of patience and good will and you will easily get him to stop chewing all your objects!

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